Monday, August 11, 2008

Germans, and Measles..

As I am writing this blog entry, I am acutely aware that I have in fact contracted German Measles. Not one of the most pleasant things to have happened to me in recent times, but nontheless, certainly something that fills me with intrigue.

Why intrigue? Well, why are they called "German Measles"? I mean, there is already a simple bout of "Measles" one can obtain, and not having had it myself or having any physical discomfort-measuring device at my disposal if I had, I cannot inform you whether German Measles is worse than Measles. Let us assume, for the sake of giving me maximum sympathy, that the one involving what used to be a rather invasive country is less desirable.

But this evades the question. Again I ask, "Why did Germany take the fall?" We don't go around saying , "Blimey, Steve's gone and caught Welsh Pink-eye" or "Bruce, do you have Australian Disease". (Well, I do actually sometimes use the latter, but you get the point).

Whatever the reason for naming it "German" Measles was, I'm sure it was absolutely innocent, and had absolutely nothing to do with past grudges whatsoever. To be fair though, I think the country that's having a disease named after it should get some say in the matter. Imagine if you woke up one morning, opened the paper and discovered that the prime minister had died from South African Syphilis! (That prospect is a lot more disturbing if you live in South Africa, like me (hence the foolish Australian dig earlier). Especially since we don't have a prime minister..)

Yet again I appear to have asked more questions than answered. Oh who cares, I've got German Measles I can do what I want. As long as it's in the confines of my home, so that I don't inadvertently infect anyone.

So, people of the world who name diseases after countries, be more wary next time, because if any Germans learn English, they might get a little annoyed. And who knows what might happen if a German get's a little annoyed..
(If it's anything like their Measles I want to hear nothing about it!)
