Thursday, June 11, 2009

Clouds & Bunnies..

There is something magical about clouds. The way they frolic turbulently through the sky as a storm rolls in, or how they hang there, completely unperturbed, on a still summers afternoon. Clouds have been equated to many things, predominantly candy-floss or cotton-balls, or even God's beard (totally made that one up), but what I find the most fascinating about clouds is the way they always look like something.

It certainly reveals something about the human psyche when we can look at an enormous clump of evaporated water and claim, "Don't you see it darling? Ha! You must be blind not to spot that bunny rabbit." And why do we always spot the bunny rabbit first? Just before we see the dragon?

Clouds provide a sort of "middle-ground" between us and the universe. I sometimes feel that (if aliens existed) they would arrive at earth, plunge burning and smoldering through our atmosphere, and screech to a halt in front of a cold font saying, "Hang on! What the hell is this? This is far too weird and picturesque for us to demolish. Hey Charles! Have a feel of this stuff! Looks solid but is actually cold and a little moist..." before we blew them out the sky with our anti-alien guns (Really should get someone to invent those..)

After all this has been said, I do love a good quality overcast day. When the whole city is blanketed in clouds it makes me feel like I'm permanently tucked up in bed. But those half-arsed cloudy days when it's almost like the evaporation wizard got bored by 11am, now those days I can't stand. Sure, they end up in amazing sunsets, but you have to endure an entire day of wondering whether you should have taken the washing in or not.

Don't worry friends, the next post will have more substance than this, and it will be sooner than you think. But the next time you look at a cloud, try being more imaginative than the bunny I know you're already thinking about..
