Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I don't like R&B much. Some people like it. Some people like it a lot. There's just too MUCH singing in every song. When a normal singer goes, "You are my love..", an R&B singer will go, "YouOOOOuuAAoOOaauO are my-hy-Hy LoOOaUAUAOOOVE-oowoh-woh-woh!" and I don't like that. Why not just say it like it is, or like you would speak it. If someone said that to me like the R&B people sing it, I would a) Run or b) Run.

Another thing about R&B that I can't abide, is something so subtle, only people with an immense dislike for the music would pick it up. It's bells. Those silly little tinkly things that the percussion sections in an orchestra has for the certain occasions when they do R&B numbers. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard, it really is. I feel like I'm being forced to induce all the soppiest moments from every Disney movie ever made simultaneously!

So, next time you hear an R&B number, I hope this message will ring loudly in your ears, as it may help to drown out the awful racket of the song.


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Avast! Piracy..

So I was pondering the other day about CD piracy and how no young people, or any people for that matter, are buying CD's any more. Ok, that was an enormous generalization, but stick with it. One of the main reasons that this is happening is that people don't see copying music as stealing. They just see it as "copying". Well, I've got news for you (and me), it's just as bad as stealing a CD from a shop. "Copying" = Theft. Suck on that.

The other reason that I have concluded upon, is that CDs are so bloody expensive! I mean, R150 for 12 songs! What a rip-off. So here we are stuck in the middle ground of not wanting to get cheated out of hard-earned cash (or in my case: just cash), but also not wanting to deprive these hard-working musicians from a living, whether we think they're earning masses of moola or not.

Hmmm. Tough call I say. BUT, I have a solution, and it is this:
If the record companies and bands would join forces and collectively suggest that they would drastically cut CD prices, whilst at the same time informing the public that they are doing this so that people will be encouraged to buy the CDs and support the bands, instead of copying the music, hopefully people would respond positively and start purchasing rather than plundering.

This of course will never EVER be put into action, because no bands in their right minds would want to lose money to gain sales. Go figure.

Oh well,

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Welcome to the wonderful world of my thoughts. Yes, ladies, gentlemen, and whatever's left over, you will now be entering the realm of the strange, sub-standard and un-useful. Nothing you read here, I'm sure, will ever benefit you in any way, other than to think happily to yourself, "Thank heavens I'm not that man!"
That's what I'm here for.

So, this is a blog. [looks around as if examining a new house] It's quite nice. Spruce. Clean. No rats. I don't like rats. But I had always asked myself about the purpose of a blog, other than irregular travel updates (But surely those should be sent via postcard?..). Anyway, I succumbed to the non-existent pressure of blogging, and so far I can't really say that I'm a better person for it. No, still not.

So what the hell is the bloody point of the thing?! I mean, I write drivel, and you read it!?! No offense, but that hardly sounds like a good, wholesome use of your time. No, there must be some other reason. Itis upon this reason which I shall elaborate directly.

This is what I'm going to do for you. Free of charge...so far. (If this turns into a bundle I'm going to cash in, pack up and move to Sweden! I heard the fishing's good in Sweden). I'm going to let you into whatever I'm thinking when I sit down at the computer in the hopes that it will be vaguely entertaining, amusing, or possibly slightly funny. Miracles do happen.

This could of course be a complete flop, in which case I'll change my name Pricilla and marry a crumpet. Unconventional, but at least there will be no arguing about who wears the pants. (crumpets don't wear pants, do they?..)

So, to conclude.
The end.
Of the beginning.
