Monday, November 5, 2007



It's just a great word, isn't it. Use it in any sentence, and people think you are eloquent. By even knowing the word, your social standing positively soars with authors, poets and the like. Even if the only word large word you know is "eloquence" people will think you're eloquent.
But I want to dig deeper into this wonderful concept of being eloquent, because I feel that it has more of an impact than you may have ever imagined..

The trend of people is to assume that if someone if eloquent, that they are intelligent. Many unscrupulous politicians (I am certain) have used this to their advantage, wowing audiences into believing that all those seven-syllable words are assuring a positive future. (This of course hasn't occurred recently, with the likes of George W. at the fore..)
Eloquence has also been a sign of importance and respect. Would you not find it odd if Queen Vic had said, "Well I don't think it's bloody funny!" Precisely.

So, from what we have gathered so far, is that being eloquent is quite a good thing to be. But what are the advantages in this day and age? Frankly, if someone came up to you and said, "Kindly depart with due expedience," you'd think he/she was an utter pratt and tell them to go and stick their expedience right up their department. Thus, eloquence can get you into sticky situations, is not for the faint of heart, and must be used warily.

It is my theory that eloquence, when used correctly, is your get-out-of-jail-free card, your gravy-train ticket, and possibly (if you're really good) even your race-card. If people think you know what you're on about, then they'll follow you, give you chocolate, and massage your inner thigh all in the hopes that whatever you've got will rub off on them. People are sheep, but that's another thought.

I long to be eloquent, to wow audiences, to gain the respect of the important, to say, "Eloquence," and get away with it. And so I will sit down one of these days and become eloquent. As eloquent as my hero-of-eloquence, Stephen Fry. Wow, he's eloquent! But don't you worry, I will only use my powers for good, for peace, and for the benefit of myself.



Badger-With-Spoon said...

If eloquence is a get-out-of-jail-free card, then what is the advance-to-begin card? Hmmm... Perhaps sound financial operations or hard work? I think it's marrying some rich old lady for her money.


andrewthekerr said...

Whoever you are, random person, I like your finesse! Actually, the key to happiness and financial freedom in the post modern society(contrary to the belief in hard work and diligence) is robbing banks OOH-WHAT-A-GIVE-AWAY!

Badger-With-Spoon said...

Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Come and see the violence inherit in the system! Come and see the violence inherit in the system! Help, help, I'm being oppressed. ... erm ... sorry, I couldn't restrain myself.